Difundimos la demanda de Uniterre y otras organizaciones por la reunion en Ginebra de un evento de la banca internacional para financiar la compra de tierras en paises del tercer mundo con la finalidad de destinarlas a su uso destinado a garantizar la seguridad alimentaria de paises ricos,cultivos trsngenicos o produccion de bio carburantes.Mucha de esa tierra se compra en America latina,Chile incluido.
"Le 20 juin 2010 une conférence organisée par Jetfin Agro a eu lieu à Genève." fe="El 20 de junio de 2010 una conferencia organizada por Agro JetFinance celebrada en Ginebra. " closure_uid_22hb2b="65">El 20 de junio de 2010 una conferencia organizada por Agro JetFinance celebrada en Ginebra. Las asociaciones han denunciado el apoyo del Cantón de Ginebra. Otra conferencia - esta vez organizada por Global AGInvesting Europa se llevó a cabo 09 de noviembre 2010. La coordinación de todo fue creado para protestar contra el evento, criticando las prácticas de acaparamiento de tierras agrícolas, y difundir información sobre el fenómeno del acaparamiento y la globalización de los agronegocios destructiva.
Por segundo año consecutivo, la conferencia de Agri JetFinance se llevará a cabo en el Grand Hotel Kempinski Ginebra, Martes, 07 de junio 2011, con el mismo objetivo: promover las estrategias de inversión agrícola! En otras palabras: la forma de saqueo de las tierras de los agricultores en África, Asia o América Latina.
For the second consecutive year, the Agri JetFinance conference will be held at the Grand Hotel Kempinski Geneva, Tuesday, June 7, 2011, with the same objective: to promote agricultural investment strategies! In other words: how to plunder the lands of farmers in Africa, Asia or Latin America.
We claim:
1. What stops the hoarding of land and water, land reforms that provide access to land as many should be promoted.
2. Speculation on agricultural commodities should be deleted and we are in favor of effective regulation and service people, not corporations.
3. That pension funds to withdraw from this type of investment to move towards ethical funds.
4. That the Geneva authorities withdrew their direct or indirect support to such meetings between hoarders.
5. Priority to food: energy production (biofuel) must be a subsidiary objective and subject to criteria of social and environmental sustainability.
6. Priority to family farming and sustainable only able to meet the food challenge and recognize food sovereignty as the law defines a new framework for agri-food markets.
7. The recognition of aboriginal rights of communities and small farmers to the land they work even if they have no title
What is the land grab?
Land is fundamental to the livelihoods, food security and identity of millions of people in developing countries depend directly I'agriculture. However, in recent years, there has been a phenomenon of land grabbing: Some States and private investors buy or lease tens of millions of hectares of farmland in Asia, Africa and Latin America to produce food or biofuels for purchasing countries.
In Sudan, wheat is cultivated on 1.5 million hectares for the Sudanese people, not I, but Saudi Arabia. We also grow sorghum, a staple food in Sudan, however, serves to feed the camels in UAE.
Ethiopia has already closed three million hectares of land to be leased to foreign investors which represents an area equivalent to Belgium. In this African country, 13 million people suffer from hunger and malnutrition and rely on food aid.
The World Bank estimates that agricultural land traded, rented or sold since 2006 in Africa, Asia and Latin America amounted to some 50 million hectares. This corresponds to half of all arable land in China or to the combined area of existing arable land in France, the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy.
Who are the actors of land grabs?
Governments: after soaring food prices in 2008, governments of countries dependent on imports started to consider growing food abroad as a new strategy to ensure food security for their country. Japan, China, lndia or I'Arabie Arabia, among others, have recognized I'impossibilité cover their growing needs for food or forage on the international market.
Hedge funds: in financial crisis and mortgage land use has attracted hedge funds and banks in search of new opportunities for safe investments with good return potential.
Manufacturers of agricultural machinery as well as many chemical and seed companies also expect higher revenues thanks to the industrial culture on huge areas of farmland.
The biofuels industry in Europe has already acquired, or sought, almost 4 million hectares of land in Africa. Given the virtual absence of land records in Africa and given that the land belongs to the state, contracts are made behind the scenes between the actors of these monopolies and governments more or less corrupt. In some cases, expelled farmers from their ancestral lands as happened in Kenya.
The phenomenon of land grabbing only exacerbates the problem of hunger. It creates or promotes productive structures unsuitable for food crops, and weakens I'agriculture family. In addition, land appropriated offer few employment opportunities for local people because the farms are highly mechanized and sometimes cultivated by foreign labor. These crops are also a threat to the environment through the intensive use of pesticides and often genetically modified seeds and excessive use of water. Women are the first victims because they produce most of all staple foods in the world while most of them do not have titles.
By using I'accaparement lands, states and investors threatens the human rights of affected populations, including the right to food and water, and food sovereignty.
In Switzerland, they are mostly banks and funds involved in these projects land grab. Thus, Credit Suisse and UBS were involved in 2009 with the issuance of shares on behalf of Golden Agri-Resources, the largest producer of palm oil in the world listed. Switzerland is also home to a large number of funds that focus their investments on agriculture and partly on land purchases. Sarasin and Pictet, two large private banks offer funds focusing on agriculture. Several Swiss funds, conventional or speculative investing in agriculture, including such Global Agricap Zurich, GAIA World Agri Fund in Geneva. Addax Bionergy, based in Geneva, leases 15,000 acres in Sierra Leone where over half the population suffers from malnutrition.
For more information, http://www.uniterre.ch/Actualites/campagnes.html
Viacampesina position: http://viacampesina.org/fr/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=23&Itemid=36
coalition against land grabbing: Uniterre, FIAN, the other union, Unia, SiT, IUF, CADTM CETIM Coordination Climate and Social Justice, COTMEC, a platform for socially sustainable agriculture, solidarity, StopOGM, United Black Sheep ATTAC Switzerland, Assoc. April 25, cooperative Longo Mai, Greenpeace GE-Solidarity Jardins de Cocagne North and South ...
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